Buy a Customized Tax Disc Reminder

There has been an awful lot of talk regarding the changes in Vehicle Tax Law since the Government changed it back in October 2014. The new law states that vehicle owners no longer need to display their tax disc reminders on their windscreen. They also changed the way vehicle tax is transferred once a vehicle has been bought from a new buyer. This meant that the vehicle tax didn’t transfer with the vehicle when it was sold and the new buyer was required to pay to tax it from the date of purchase. The requirement for an up to date MOT remained the same.

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Energy bills could keep on rising for 17 years

Energy prices could continue to rise for 17 years

Five of the six big energy companies recently announced that their prices will be going up this winter. A new report from National Audit Office suggests that this trend could continue for another 17 years. The cost of gas, electricity and water is expected to increase at a higher rate than inflation, and lower income households will be the most affected.

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