Our Top 5 Energy Stories – 28th August 2013

Our roundup of energy stories from around the world features solar-powered flowers, coffee-powered cars, futuristic cities, electric buses and energy news from Google.

The city of 2050

The city of 2050

As part of its “Tomorrow’s Cities season” the BBC imagines what our cities will look like in 2050, complete with vertical urban farms, pizza delivery drones and robo-taxis.

See the interactive city here

Full of beans

Coffee powered car

The Bean Machine is a coffee-powered pickup built by British engineer and conservationist Martin Bacon. It set a new world speed record for coffee-powered vehicles, clocking in at 65mph.

More details and images here

Google shrinks its carbon emissions

Google data centre

The internet, believe it or not, is a big energy-hungry beast. That’s why Google have been hard at work trying to increase the amount of renewable energy they use, and this week announced a 9% drop in their carbon emissions in 2012.

Full report on The Clean Revolution

Wireless electric buses

Wireless electric bus

In a world first, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have developed buses that can charge as they drive. There’s no need for charging stops or tram-style overhead wires.

Read the full story on Solar Feeds

Giant, singing, solor-powered flowers

Sonic Bloom

And finally, in the US city of Seattle an artist has created these forty foot high flower sculptures. Known as “Sonic Bloom”, they absorb sunlight during the day and create magical light and sound shows at night.

Watch the video here

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