Our roundup of green news from around the world, with award winning companies, love for gloves, chairs made from pollution, glow in the dark roads and portable cycle lanes.
And the winner is…
Clothing brand Puma have been honoured with the Guardian Sustainable Business Award, thanks to their pioneering “Environmental Profit & Loss Account” — a business-like way of putting a number on the company’s environmental impact.
Full story on the Guardian website
Glove Love
Our friends over at Do The Green Thing have launched Glove Love. It’s an anti-waste initiative that encourages members of the public to hand in lost and abandoned gloves to be cleaned, paired-up and given a new owner.
Read more and visit the shop here
The Sea Chair Project
A group of artists have developed a way of removing plastic waste from the ocean and using it to create useful products, such as the uncomfortable looking chair above. They are hoping to raise awareness of ocean pollution in the process.
Glow in the dark highways
It looks like something from science-fiction, but it’s going to be a reality on Dutch highways by mid-2013. The glow in the dark road markings ‘charge up’ during the day and glow at night, along with temperature sensitive weather indicators.
Read the full article on wired.co.uk
Bring your own bike lane
And finally, sticking with the road safety theme, the cyclists among you will appreciate this — a device that creates your very own illuminated cycle lane. Perfect for those treacherous winter commutes.
As reported by Do The Green Thing