Many properties in rural areas will now be eligible for free insulation, thanks to new funding sources.
Infographic: Green Home Improvements
Our friends at sent us over this little beauty recently. It’s an infographic that explains in detail how much carbon and money a typical home can save by making a few home improvements.
Cavity & Loft Insulation — Still Free In 2013
Since the CERT funding scheme came to an end last year, we’ve had several people ask us if there will still be funding for free insulation in 2013.
Continue reading “Cavity & Loft Insulation — Still Free In 2013”
Is Loft Insulation Worth It?
“I’m interested in getting my loft insulated. Is it really that effective at saving energy and money? What should I know before getting it done? Are there any government grants to help with the cost and what are my options?”
What Are U-Values?
The “U-value” is a mysterious new piece of jargon used in our industry, that often leaves people confused. What are U-values, how do they affect your home, and what can you do to reduce them?
Infographic: What Has CERT Accomplished?
The Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) was introduced in August 2008, and is the main source of funding for the free products we offer at Go Greena. The infographic below illustrates the impact CERT has made over the last four years.
Time is running out to reduce your energy bills
If you’ve seen the news today, you may have heard that British Gas have just announced that their gas and electricity prices are rising by about 6%. The rise is due to come into effect on 16th November, and will bump up the average dual fuel bill by a rather painful £80. SEE have also announced that their prices will rise by an average of 9%. With this is mind, it’s more important than ever that you do what you can to reduce the cost of heating your home.
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Home Insulation – Why is it free?
When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. As the old saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, and when something is offered to us for nothing most people are quite understandably suspicious. It’s a question our energy surveyors are faced with quite often – why is it free, and what’s the catch? So who exactly is footing the bill for your lovely free loft or cavity wall insulation, and why are they feeling so generous?